02. feb 2024.

Slavko Curuvija Foundation is shocked by the Court of Appeal verdict: A country not punishing murderers has no future

Slavko Curuvija Foundation is shocked by the Court of Appeal’s decision to set free former members of the State Security Service accused of the murder of Slavko Curuvija. This is a deeply disturbing judgment for family, friends, colleagues and followers of the journalist and publisher who was murdered because he had been publicly criticising the criminal regime of Slobodan Milosevic. This judgment is a clear sign that the state is not capable of fighting the darkest spots of its own services from the 1990s and that they continue to have a massive impact on the judiciary and political processes in Serbia.

12. jan 2024.

IPI call to action: The international community must act urgently to protect journalists, civilians in Gaza and the region


The IPI global network calls on the international community to take urgent and immediate action to ensure the safety of all journalists in Gaza and the region. We urge all states, including allies of Israel and Media Freedom Coalition members, to use all possible diplomatic means to hold Israel to its obligation to respect the rules of war, which requires states to protect journalists, as civilians, during times of armed conflict. The targeted and indiscriminate killing of journalists and civilians in Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) must stop, and perpetrators must be held fully accountable for any violations of the Geneva Conventions and other international human rights treaties and obligations.

29. dec 2023.

Serbia: We condemn the attacks against journalists during protests in Belgrade


On 24 December, several journalists and media workers were targets of insults and physical violence while reporting on protests in Belgrade that objected to alleged irregularities during general elections on 17 December. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the violent acts and urge the competent authorities to launch an immediate investigation.

31. okt 2023.

Serbia: IFJ demands president to investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić


Ahead of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and following a visit from IFJ's president Dominique Pradalié to Serbia, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliates in demanding Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić to properly investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić. A society that lets journalists' killers and harassers walk free is not a democracy.

31. okt 2023.

RSF video investigation into the death of Reuters reporter Issam Abdallah in Lebanon: the journalists’ vehicle was explicitly targeted


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has released a video reconstruction of the tragedy that resulted in the death of one journalist and the injury of several others. The initial findings of the investigation show that the reporters were not collateral victims of the shooting. One of their vehicles, marked "press", was targeted, and it was also clear that the group stationed next to it was journalists.

23. okt 2023.

The Permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists visits Norway with the aim of strengthening preventive mechanisms to protect the safety of journalists

In cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, the Permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists (PWG) visited Norway from 16 to 18 October meeting numerous institutions and organizations dealing with media freedom and the safety of media workers.

13. okt 2023.

Israel and Palestine: IFJ calls on UNESCO to protect journalists


Since the outbreak of the armed conflict between Hamas and Israel, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has been in constant dialogue with its Palestinian affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), who organise journalists in the Gaza Strip, as well as being in contact Israeli journalists. The IFJ and its affiliates around the world call on Unesco to do its utmost to protect journalists and demand that the warring parties de-escalate the violence, which will only result in civilian casualties, particularly journalists.

04. okt 2023.

Serbia: New draft media laws represent another step backward for media freedom

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins its partner organisations in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in raising the alarm about two draft media laws brought forward by the Serbian government for their lack of compliance with international freedom of expression standards. If passed they would represent a regressive step with wide-ranging implications for media freedom and pluralism. As the public debate on the legislation continues, the MFRR calls on the Serbian government to withdraw the problematic changes added into the latest drafts and ensure compliance with the country’s previously agreed Media Strategy.

28. avg 2023.

Freedom for Ćuruvija’s killers?

Piše Jelka Jovanović

A month ago, I received information from a state secretary to the effect that it was certain that the verdict was ‘not guilty’, and then also from a few of our journalist colleagues who are following different trials, so, at this moment, it is more certain that this is a not guilty verdict than another one, a conviction or different forms of imprisonment, says the Chair of the Commission for Investigating the Killings of Journalists Veran Matić for Novi magazin

23. avg 2023.

An appeal to the media by the families of those killed in Experimental Elementary School „Vladislav Ribnikar“

I regard the letter from the parents of the murdered children to the editors in chief of the media as a kind of manifesto that all journalist associations and media associations should stand behind and that should be supported by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) and the Press Council, along with concrete steps from their domain of activity and responsibility. ANEM supports all requirements and calls on its members to consistently adhere to and respect them. (Veran Matić)

07. avg 2023.

From April to June, the Public Prosecutor’s Offices filed 28 cases for endangering the safety of journalists, totalling 42 cases this year

The Supreme Public Prosecutor's (SPP) report submitted to the Permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists (PWG), with data on actions taken in the first six months of this year, indicates that 42 cases were filed for endangering the safety of journalists - 14 in the first three months and twice as many, 28, in April (8), May (12) and June (8).

14. jun 2023.

Murder of Serbian journalist Milan Pantić: 22 years of impunity


On Monday morning, June 11, 2001, around 7:30 a.m., journalist Milan Pantić, a correspondent for Večernje Novosti in Jagodina, a small town in Serbia, was killed with three brutal blows to the head. The journalist, known for his objective and uncompromising articles on criminal affairs and corporate corruption, was just returning from the grocery store. In his hand, he was holding a loaf of bread.

25. maj 2023.

Drew Sullivan: Many of the „scoops“ by pro-government media about KRIK appear to come from surveillance

By Marija Sajkas

It's a serious misuse of state resources and a sign that Vucic will use autocratic methods to attack those who pose a risk to him.  In this case, the risk is the truth, as published by KRIK, says Drew Sullivan, one of the founders of OCCRP, a global investigative network that reports about organized crime and corruption, in the conversation for Cenzolovka.

25. maj 2023.

Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists: Data on assaults against journalists from January to March 2023

The Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists (PWG), comprising representatives of six journalistic and media associations (UNS, NUNS, NDNV, AM, ANEM, and AOM), the prosecutor’s office and the police, had a regular quarterly meeting on March 24. On that occasion, current cases of threats and assaults against journalists were discussed, information was exchanged about certain older cases, as well as examples of good practice and challenges faced by the Group. The OSCE Mission to Serbia has been participating in the work of the PWG since its establishment in January 2017.